Pre-School & KindertgartenDay Care Centers
About Us
Our Philosophy
Saddle Acres is a learning center. We believe that children learn best through a rich environment that considers their total development in addition to each child’s individual needs and differences.
Our philosophy is based upon three goals, which we firmly believe prepare each child for future learning experiences:
1. To instill confidence in your young child
2. To keep your child’s mind open to new ideas and experiences
3. To ensure that your child enjoys attending school
To achieve these goals, our educators and caregivers create a variety of learning activities designed to enhance cognitive, physical, and social development.
At Saddle Acres, our focus remains to provide a balanced, growth-enhancing environment in which children can develop at their own pace. Recognizing that all children are different, we have tailored our program offerings to suit your child’s specific needs, and we guarantee first-rate education and care…not to mention the most important aspect of a child’s life, fun!